Quali saranno le tendenze per questa estate 2018?
Stavo dando uno sguardo al sito Rosegal!
In passerella, nelle sfilate di moda per questa estate in molti hanno proposto tanti capi di abbigliamento molto interessanti, tra questi i pantaloni. Si, perché noi donne con un bel pantalone sappiamo essere molto femminili e poi ricordate che con un bel pantalone siamo tanto comode, un pantalone possiamo indossarlo sempre! Per uscire con le amiche, per andare a lavoro in ufficio, per andare a fare la spesa, per una cena importante. Con scarpe basse o con scarpe alte, possiamo indossarlo in tanti modi diversi! Vediamo come?
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What will be the trends for this summer 2018?
I was giving a look at the Rosegal site!
On the catwalk, in fashion shows for this summer many have proposed many very interesting clothing items, including trousers. Yes, because we women with a nice trousers know how to be very feminine and then remember that with a nice pants we are so comfortable, we can always wear a pair of trousers! To go out with friends, to go to work in the office, to go shopping, for an important dinner. With low shoes or high shoes, we can wear it in many different ways! Let's see how?
What will be the trends for this summer 2018?
I was giving a look at the Rosegal site!
On the catwalk, in fashion shows for this summer many have proposed many very interesting clothing items, including trousers. Yes, because we women with a nice trousers know how to be very feminine and then remember that with a nice pants we are so comfortable, we can always wear a pair of trousers! To go out with friends, to go to work in the office, to go shopping, for an important dinner. With low shoes or high shoes, we can wear it in many different ways! Let's see how?

In questo caso,indossato con un paio di sandali con il tacco medio largo, un look adatto in molte occasioni, per tutti i giorni, non la pensate come me?
Abbinato ad una t-shirt semplice ma vedete che bello il suo style?
In this case, worn with a pair of sandals with medium wide heels, a look suitable for many occasions, for every day, do not you think like me?
Combined with a simple t-shirt but do you see its style?
Combined with a simple t-shirt but do you see its style?
FRENCH BAZAAR Striped Plaid Casual Long Suit Pants
I pantaloni dritti lunghi, saranno molto presenti, lo sono già questa primavera ci avete fatto caso?
Mi piacciono molto, abbinati ad un sandalo basso o alto, o un bel paio di scarpe comode sportive! Con una t-shirt o una camicia! Bella idea vero?
The straight long trousers will be very present, are they already this spring have you noticed?
I like them very much, combined with a low or high sandal, or a nice pair of comfortable sports shoes! With a t-shirt or a shirt! Nice idea, right?
I like them very much, combined with a low or high sandal, or a nice pair of comfortable sports shoes! With a t-shirt or a shirt! Nice idea, right?

Lace Insert Wide Leg Pants
Anche i top saranno partecipi questa estate, le stampe floreali saranno quelle più viste!
Vi parlerò anche di questo nei prossimi post!
Even the top will be participating this summer, floral prints will be the most viewed!
I will also talk about this in the next posts!
Belted Floral Surplice Peplum Blouse

Il floreale sarà visto non solo per i top, ma anche per quanto riguarda i vestiti ed i bikini! Anche al mare si deve essere alla moda!
The floral will be seen not only for the tops, but also for clothes and bikinis! Even at the seaside you must be fashionable!
Tropical Leaf High Waist Flounce Bikini

Allora siete pronte per fare acquisti a prezzi super?
Ricordate che l'affare è sempre dietro l'angolo!
So are you ready to shop at super prices?
Remember that the deal is always around the corner!
mi piacciono i pantaloni a righe , bella selezione dei capi.